If you want to be able to retire on your own terms and build your money wisely, you will need to follow some key financial planning strategies. Doing this will allow you to put your best foot forward when planning your financial life, which is why you should strive to be diligent in this regard. Follow these three strategies below and use them so that you can take care of your money now and for many years to come.
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If you are getting ready to switch jobs and are wondering what you should do with your existing 401k, the number one thing you should know is that cashing it out is probably not the best solution. While you have the option to cash it out, here are three reasons you should consider looking into a different option for this money.
The money was designed for your retirement
A 401k is a savings plan designed specifically for retirement.
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Sadly, most people never take steps towards paying off debt -- they just keep making the minimum payments month after month because they don't believe they have enough money in their budget to pay down their debt any faster. If you just make the minimum payments, you'll likely be paying off your debt for decades, and you'll struggle to get ahead financially. It's absolutely essential that you find ways to squeeze some extra money from your budget and put it towards paying down those debts.
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It is important to plan for your retirement. You should not rely on social security to cover your expenses. It might not be enough to maintain the lifestyle you are accustomed to. That's why it helps to be proactive and handle your investments so that you won't have to flounder about when the time comes.
This article is divided into three time frames. Financial advice about retirement is going to differ dramatically depending upon how long it is until you are planning on retiring.
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If you have been offered an annuity payment plan in a settlement case, you might wonder whether it is in your best benefit to accept it. To help you determine whether it is the option that would help you the most, you will want to read through all of the following benefits.
It Is Protected From Creditors
Many annuities are protected from creditors. This means that you can still get all of the money that you are entitled to without having to worry that any of it is going to be taken by credits because of medical, credit card, or personal loan debt.
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